In 1971, an unprecedented letter-writing campaign moved Congress to pass the Free-Roaming Wild Horse and Burro Act, declaring “wild free-roaming horses and burros are living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West; that they contribute to the diversity of life forms within the Nation and enrich the lives of the American people; and that these horses and burros are fast disappearing from the American scene. It is the policy of Congress that wild free-roaming horses and burros shall be protected from capture, branding, harassment, or death; and to accomplish this they are to be considered in the area where presently found, as an integral part of the natural system of the public lands.”
Over the past thirty-eight years, the intent of the Act has been consistently ignored. The Department of the Interior continues to waste tax dollars on eradicating America’s wild horses and burros with aggressive removal policies favoring private interests over both law and the will of the people. Today, almost 19 million acres that the Act granted the Wild Horses & Burros have been taken away. There are more wild horses and burros now in government pens than in the wild. Recently, BLM began asking Congress for the right to kill them by the thousands or sell them openly for slaughter.
Please help tell our U. S. Senators we, the American people, want our few remaining Wild Horses and Burros to remain free on the land that was granted them in 1971, and on which they, and their ancestors have lived for centuries.
Four-color postcards have been purchased for a National writing campaign using a photo courtesy of Carol Walker – Living Images. It also has Wild Horse Annie’s quote printed across the bottom (front). "These horses belong to all the people of America and they exist on lands that belong to all the people of America." - Velma "Wild Horse Annie" Johnston
These cards & applicable pre-addressed Senator labels will be provided FREE to all Host Organizations willing to get them written. NOTE: every U.S. citizen has 2 Senators -- i.e. every person needs to write 2 cards.
We need citizens of every state to send these cards urging their Senators to co-sponsor the current S.1579 bill. This is the Senate version of the recently passed House’s HR 1018 (R.O.A.M Act). We urge you to have all your friends, families (including children) and club members write cards to their Senators telling them how they feel about America’s Wild Horses and Burros.
The host organization, in each area, will be responsible for postage to DC (a postage donation jar on a table is recommended). Any monies collected, above the DC postage costs, belongs to the local participating host organization. Key to the success of this campaign is: the General Public must be asked to write their thoughts There & Then – No “take-home and do later” of postcards.
Contact: whbpostcards3@yahoo.com and request the Senate cards be mailed to you.
Please include: your name, postal mailing address, e- mail address, how many (x 2) and for what State(s) you want them labeled for.
Thank you for taking time to help
“The Wild Ones”
What a wonderful idea! I am posting this everywhere! Thanks!
Hi Yes wonderful idea !! I am wondering if we can order postcards individually . I am located in WIsconsin and hope to get out many postcards from Baraboo.I am a member of American's Against Horse Slaughter . I will gladly email my address.
Thanks Karen
please use this email address murphy4mom@yahoo.com
"Annie" spoke for the horses over thirty years ago, when they couldn't speak for themselves. Today, shamelessly, our government rides roughshod over the laws that are STILL IN PLACE to keep these horses safe.
"We" are now, "Annie". It is our turn to speak for these horses LOUDLY ENOUGH that our government can no longer turn a deaf ear.
Bev Dee
Bright Futures Farm, Equine Charity
Yes we are now Annie. I think this is a wonderful idea and would like to get many of them to share with my friends and family. Lets roll this one! I am in with both feet.
Thank you, got my cards a few days ago!!
I had some of the paintings I did based on the Onaqui herd made into postcards. I am going to use those in my postcard writing campaign.
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