
Wild Burro Rescue Update

Just wanted to take a moment out and let everyone know how great things are going at Wild Burro Rescue.

A well has now been drilled and pipe is being laid throughout the Rescue in anticipation of water flowing by summer and the burros are happy, full and frolicking due to all the improvements and love.

Diana Chontose reports that things are "going better than ever" as dedicated volunteers and compassionate hearts have allowed WBR to flourish and she invites anyone and everyone to come on over and take a tour of the Rescue to see for themselves. The burros would love to meet ya in their sanctuary under the stars and whisper a few desert secrets in your ears - or at least bray a few!


Because of you and your generosity, this dream continues to be a reality by providing these very special wild burros a safe haven in their time of need. WBR continues to expand their care and facilities, to coordinate live-capture rescues if and when wild burros are located, and makes sure the burros already at the sanctuary are honored with the committed quality care they so rightly and always deserved!

Just thought people might want to know what a difference they can and have made to the burros and WBR! To learn more about Wild Burro Rescue, Diana Chontose's ongoing efforts to make a difference or how you can help, go to:

Click Here to watch a recent video and meet some of the wild burros of WBR.
!You're gonna love them!

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